बालबालिकाहरूका थरीथरीका जुत्ताको बयान गर्ने यो एउटा रमाइलो किताब हो। सानो, ठूलो, चुच्चे, जाली, खुकुलो, साँघुरो, गह्रौँ, गुड्ने जस्ता शब्दहरू पढेर बालबालिकाहरूको शब्दभण्डार पनि बढ्नेछ । यसमा भएका सुन्दर चित्रहरूले किताबलाई थप आकर्षक बनाएका छन् ।
This fun book describes a variety of children's shoes, such as small, big, netted, pointy, loose, narrow, heavy, and... roller skates!
The book also includes an introduction to different colors, sizes, and types of shoes, helping to increase your young reader's vocabulary.
The beautiful illustrations make the book easy to understand and appealing to young children.